A year ago I set a goal to be honored as one of the top 50 Travel Specialists (Worldwide Accomplishment) for Jamaica. I just got confirmation today that I achieved my goal! #Jamaica is truly a second home for me, this is only the beginning.
To all of my Clients, Supporters, Resort Partners, Tour Operator Partners & Fiesta In Ecstasy attendees I could not have done this without you. Thank you for your continued support and trust in myself & Vacay On Layaway.
This journey has not been easy, there have been several times over the years creating my business that I wanted to quit. Today makes all of my hard work worthwhile……..
To help me celebrate if you know of anyone looking to travel to Jamaica have them complete a travel request form via www.VacayOnLayaway.com and I will send them some options. I have flights available via Southwest Airlines from a couple of markets to the end of 2019. This means that you can book your NYE celebration next year now from as low as $75 down!
#OneLoveAgent #GoalCrusher #HardWorkPaysOff#TravelWithTone #VacayOnLayaway#JustAKidFromTheSouthSide #ChiTown
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